“LibraFeed for broilers” – enhanced feed is prepared taking into account innovative achievements in the field of genetics, feed and the performance level of broilers.
Thanks to the LibraFeed for broilers, it is economically viable to feed the chickens in industrial conditions, because at each stage of growth, complete foods are selected that perfectly match their needs.
The feed specially developed for the fattening of the poultry allows to maintain the uniformity of the animals, it ensures a stable growth of the chicks, the maximum accumulation of alimentary fat tissue and the normal formation of the protein tissue. Helps increase the live weight of broilers, improves the quality of the carcasses.
Advantages of use:
reducing feed costs throughout the growing period;
maximum live weight gain at optimum feed costs;
high taste qualities of the meat;
reducing the risks of morbidity;
lack of digestion problems: high digestibility of nutrients in the body of young and adult birds.
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